Bioethika Oils – Sacred Medicine Sanctuary

Sweet Almond Oil, Certified Organic, 4 oz.


Source:  Spain

Sweet almond oil is used extensively as a base for cosmetic blends and in preparing many products used in aromatherapy. It is pressed from raw almonds and is pale yellow in color. It is an excellent source of vitamin E as well as magnesium and calcium. It is nourishing to the skin and is believed to impede wrinkles and aging. It is also supposed to help resolve dark circles under the eyes. This is a food grade product and can be taken internally, used as a hair oil or massage oil, or as a base for products containing numerous other ingredients.

For starters, one can use a very small amount of carrier oil, like a tablespoon of almond oil and add two drops of clary sage, lavender, or rosemary to the carrier oil.  If the hair is dry and brittle, add one drop of ylang ylang.  Massage this into the hair before shampooing.  Give the oil time to be absorbed, at least 15 minutes, preferably longer.  Then, shampoo as normal.

Since hair “issues” vary from person to person, start by making a list of what you want to achieve:  more growth, more sheen, or more softness.  Some people are battling dandruff and scalp infections and even creepy crawly sensations.  Choose your essential oil that best meets your goals.


Contains:  Expeller pressed certified organic virgin almond oil.

Weight 7 oz
Dimensions 6 × 3 × 3 in


Caution should be used if allergic to nuts. It might be better to use a different carrier oil, such as jojoba or neem.


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