Bioethika Oils – Sacred Medicine Sanctuary

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Rhatany, CO2 Extract Oil, 5 ml.


Source:  Peru for the plant material and Germany for extraction.

Rhatany is native to Peru and neighboring countries and grows in the Andes.  It contains tannins so has astringent properties and can be used as a styptic for small wounds. It is also sometimes used to staunch excessive menstrual bleeding and diarrhea.

In Peru, it is used to whiten teeth and to treat a variety of oral health problems, including sore throats, gingivitis, periodontitis, and bleeding gums. It can be blended with myrrh and/or sage for a wide range of conditions in the mouth.

Since this is a CO2 processed root, it is very concentrated.  When diluted, it can be used as a douche or in a sitz bath where there are vaginal conditions or hemorrhoids.

Though generally regarded as safe, most people only use it short-term to normalize conditions that respond quickly to treatment.  The extract can be used to make tea or preserved in alcohol.  Externally, it can be used diluted as a poultice or wound balm. In South America, it is applied to cloth and used on leg ulcers.

Contains:  CO2 Extract of Krameria triandra root in olive oil.

Weight 4 oz
Dimensions 3 × 1 × 1 in