Peppermint is famous essential oil. It is a neurotonic and chologogue with signficant antimicrobial action. It is antibacterial and antiviral as well as antifungal. It is useful in cases of gingivitis, toothache, nausea, liver congestion, and irritable bowel syndrome. It enhances immunity and can even be used to reduce risks of epidemics such as cholera and yellow fever.
On the subtle level, peppermint is believed to increase receptivity and insight and even to promote the ability to prophesize. Obviously, there is much lore surrounding peppermint. In moderation, peppermint is nontoxic and even safe for use during pregnancy. It blends nicely with lemon, lime, and niaouli citrus oils as well as with other respiratory oils such as eucalyptus, juniper, and pine. For external use or inhalation therapy, it can be combined with lime and wintergreen.
Contains: Steam distilled essential oil of certified organic Mentha piperita flowering herb.